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Horst Linke

  Horst Linke has been involved in the aquarium hobby since early childhood. His first study animals included fightingfishes and other labyrinthfishes, and these remain the focus of his interest to the present day.  Hence during a trip across the “Dark Continent” in 1963 he took the opportunity to study the natural habitats of the African labyrinthfishes. And this was simultaneously the beginning of a second field of interest: the maintenance and breeding of West African cichlids, as well as the study of their biotopes. Since 1973 he has made numerous research trips to the Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Nigeria, Togo, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Kenya, and Tanzania, as well as to Bangladesh, Borneo, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Hongkong, Sumatra, Java, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, and China. His interest in South American dwarf cichlids, freshwater angelfishes, and discus has taken him several times to the South American countries of Brazil, Colombia, Peru, and Venezuela. During his travels he has studied natural habitats and collected information that has led to interesting new knowledge regarding maintenance and breeding in the aquarium, and he has also had the opportunity to bring back rare, in most cases previously un- or little-studied  fishes for his aquaria back home. Numerous published works have reported his experiences, always very informatively illustrated with his own photos of fishes and biotopes. Because of his good working relationships with scientists at various museums and universities, it has been possible successfully to evaluate the results of his researches.

  Horst Linke has for many years been actively involved in the aquarium hobby. To the present day the labyrinthfishes, together with West African cichlids, angelfishes, and discus, remain at the forefront of his interest. Numerous lectures at a wide variety of events have demonstrated the quality of his knowledge and experience. Throughout his fishkeeping career the exchange of information with other aquarists has always been paramount.


Labyrinthfishes from Asia
The genus Anabas
The genus Belontia
The genus Betta
The genus Colisa
The genus Ctenops
The genus Helostoma
The genus Luciocephalus
The genus Macropodus
The genus Malpulutta
The genus Osphronemus
The genus Parasphaerichthys
The genus Parosphromenus
The genus Pseudosphromenus
The genus Sphaerichthys
The genus Trichogaster
The genus Trichopsis
Labyrinthfishes from Africa
The genus Ctenopoma 
The genus Microctenopoma


  I have been an aquarist ever since my early youth, and my first fishes were Siamese Fighters, Betta splendens. That was many decades ago but these fishes have never lost their fascination for me – labyrinthfishes in general, that is, and many of them in particular. Their bright colours and interesting behaviour mean they are always special, and so do their requirements as regards optimal maintenance.

  In the interim I have also embraced other groups of fishes, for example the small, colourful West Africans, and Discus with their very interesting brood care, and have been very successful with one of the Kings of the Aquarium, the Altum Angelfish. But I have always continued to keep labyrinthfishes as well. In addition to the numerous different Betta species I never cease to be fascinated by the little liquorice gouramis, and that is one reason why in recent years I have visited and studied a multitude of the natural habitats of these small, brightly-coloured Parosphromenus species. Unfortunately, in so doing I have established that these habitats – and with them the animal and fish species to which they are home – are increasingly falling victim to the need of humans for living space plus industrial and agricultural usage. Natural disasters such as major flooding and exceptional spates have destroyed or altered some natural habitats, often those limited to a small area. Here too many species have been lost as a result, and sometimes biotopes I had explored in the past were completely changed or no longer existed at all. As a result there are increasing numbers of cases where species that formerly lived at a site can no longer be found, leaving us aquarists with the task of at least keeping these fishes in existence in the aquarium. A good example of this is the worldwide conservation program for Parosphromenus-species at www.parosphromenus-project.de as well as efforts to distribute rare but still surviving labyrinthfishes as part of the work of the European Anabantoid Club mit Arbeitskreis Labyrinthfische im VDA (EAC/AKL) at www.aklabyrinthfische-eac.eu under the heading “Have and Search”.

  During my travels I have discovered numerous new species and often been able to bring them back for the aquarium for the first time. This would often not have been possible without qualified support in the field, so I would like to thank all those who accompanied me during my trips, above all Atison Pumchoosri, Hendra Tommy, Katsuma Kubota, Nathan Chiang, Patrick Yap, and Thomas Sim, without whose help I would not have been able to observe many species in their natural habitats and subsequently in my aquaria back home. I would also like to thank Dr. Jürgen Schmidt for reviewing the manuscript and Mary Bailey for the English translation.

  In this book I have tried to present all the species known to and described by science up to 2012, not least because the number has increased enormously over the past decade. Most of the fish names are based on the original descriptions, even though the spelling isn’t always correct in the view of various current scientists.

  I hope that this book, containing my biotope studies, numerous illustrations, and my suggestions for optimal maintenance, will contribute to the conservation of the host of colourful and extremely interesting labyrinthfishes.
Horst Linke
Schwarzenbach am Wald, Germany, Oktober 2013


  • ISBN:9789868452770
  • 規格:精裝 / 600頁 / 21 x 29.7 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
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杜拜最好的沙漠旅行是杜拜最大最有名的旅行。它位於Al Barsha,靠近卓美亞(Jumeirah)濱水區附近的傑貝阿里鄉村俱樂部(Jebel Ali Country Club),是一個受歡迎的令人興奮的城市之旅。當你成為阿拉伯沙漠生活的一部分時,它提供了一種置身於大自然懷抱的奇妙感覺。 ...傑貝阿里鄉村俱樂部 如果你有機會到杜拜旅行,那麼在一個夢幻般的杜拜假期中您會尋找什麼?你是否願意和親密的朋友一起去親近大自然?或者,您希望享受豪華的住宿,沉迷於各種奢華的事物,從坐在您的度假村的陽臺上,在午夜喝香檳,體驗杜拜的夜生活,到吃上等的杜拜美食,您肯定會體驗杜拜度假所提供的一切,讓您感到遊牧民族的生活嗎? 因此,如果你對杜拜最棒的沙漠之旅感興趣,那麼您可以從Al Barsha到Sharjah,從Jumeirah到Umm al Quwain酋長國進行探索,隨後,阿布達比野生動物村將是野生動物愛好者理想的去處。我想每個人都會喜歡這個獨特的野生動物園,該野生動物園擁有國家公園,異國情調的鳥類,野生動植物保護區和沙漠森林,在這裡你會度過一個真正難忘的假期。 ...阿布達比野生動物村 各種令人難以置信的景點和活動,將使你的杜拜沙漠之旅變得獨特和卓越。它可以很容易地使你的旅行成為一種生活體驗。它包括幾個景點:參觀棕櫚帳篷、博物館、電影宮、扎比爾自然保護區、阿布達比動物園、拉希德山清真寺、阿布達比自然奇觀、沙迦馬戲團、阿聯其他國家公園、陸軍博物館和本市其他幾個景點。杜拜最好的沙漠旅行可以作為一張單程票,在大自然的魅力中放鬆、享受和愉悅自己。它將讓您放下手錶,早日醒來,享受激動人心的駱駝之旅,這使您有機會參觀阿布達比的沙漠山丘,在其中您可以繞著巖石風景騎行,穿過沙丘並在它們的正常棲息地看到這種野生駱駝。在此之後,您必須享受開車前往沙迦的激動人心的旅程,並返回杜拜,參觀所有可以包括在杜拜最佳沙漠旅行的地區。 ...阿布達比野生動物村 個人還可以選擇杜拜最好的沙漠旅行,包括參觀博物館,餐廳,大型購物中心,餐廳,休息室和其他精美的度假勝地,這些地方都充滿了埃及和阿拉伯陶器,在您繼續前進的過程中,在獨特的令人興奮的地方旅行您會驚嘆不已。這次旅行還包括參觀Al Nahda展覽中心,在這裡您還可以從阿拉伯和埃及的陶器那裡購買最著名的商品,這將使您的旅程變得有趣。 ...Al Nahda展覽中心 杜拜最好的沙漠旅行,除了是度假者最喜歡的目的地,它也成為當地人的主要目的地。這是因為旅行會帶他們去沙迦、阿拉伯聯合大公國、烏姆庫溫、朱邁拉海灘住所和烏姆薩拉爾等地,這些地方可以是他們傳統的漁村和社區娛樂區。一旦您來到這裡,您將不會忘記那種真正的非洲放鬆體驗,比如在游泳池游泳或在當地海灘放鬆。 ...杜拜最好的沙漠旅行 但是要小心,因為還有一些不道德的當地旅行社可能會誘使您做出不願意履行的不道德承諾,因此您需要避免此類選擇。在旅行前,甚至在整個假期里你都要特別注意。理想的杜拜沙漠之旅是融入沙漠生活的最佳途徑,尤其是當您返回杜拜時。









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